It's that time of year again, folks. The two weeks Bay Area comedy fans dream of - SF SketchFest.
With 17 or so days of comedic events, you're sure to find something to tickle your funny bone.
Particularly exciting, given his recent spiff with NBC - Conan O'Brien will be making a live appearance at this year's SketchFest Tribute.
Full lineup & tickets can be found here.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Let's Rock 2010
L.Ko and I have decided something. Actually, we're pretty damn sure it's true: 2010 will be one of the best years on record. We are so excited to kick off this new decade, and don't you worry, we aren't going to go back to the annual "get healthy" resolutions. We have REAL, fantastic, fabulous goals in mind and we want to share them with all of you. We hope you enjoy reading them and help keep us on track! And Happy New Year!
1. Get my Yoga teaching certificate so I can teach yoga
2. Get into business school
3. Save more money
4. Take a trip to Paris
5. Get a promotion at work
6. Meet new people - especially fine lookin young men
1. Read one new book a month
2. Finish paying off those darn student loans, so I can go back to school
3. Figure out if I even want to go back to school
4. Get involved! (church, community, etc.)
5. Travel to at least one place that isn't Texas. Sorry, family!
6. Meet new people!! (I second SB's #6)
1. Get my Yoga teaching certificate so I can teach yoga
2. Get into business school
3. Save more money
4. Take a trip to Paris
5. Get a promotion at work
6. Meet new people - especially fine lookin young men
1. Read one new book a month
2. Finish paying off those darn student loans, so I can go back to school
3. Figure out if I even want to go back to school
4. Get involved! (church, community, etc.)
5. Travel to at least one place that isn't Texas. Sorry, family!
6. Meet new people!! (I second SB's #6)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009

We all know by now that I have a serious shopping problem. So, while doing my usual retail-therapy-I-deserve-these-because-I'm-awesome website shopping this morning, I found these. Could it be? A shoe so hot and it claims to be comfortable?? What?? Oh, Kenneth Cole, you may be the one man that has found the way to my heart. I was so intrigued that I went to check this out at lunch time. And ladies, it's true!!! Not only are these the hottest things this side of the equator but they are SO friggin comfy. The new 9 to 5 technology made it feel like I was wearing sneakers or Uggs (ok, ok, maybe not uggs). I can't wait to buy them and wear them to holiday party after holiday party. You can start sending me your holiday party invites now, please.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Favorite Song Friday: She needs Jimmy Choo-oo-oo-oo-oos.
Yes, this is post #2 about Jimmy Choo. But the line launches at H&M tomorrow, so we thought it best to tell you everything you need to know about stocking up on your Choos.
- Get there early - wild mobs are expected.
- For everything except shoes & accessories, it's open-season.
- The first 160 people in line will get wristbands that are color-coordinated with times to shop the shoes/accessories. After these 160 people, everyone will have access to this extra special section.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
26 is the new 21

L. Ko has a birthday coming up and she mentioned to me that she was upset about the thought of turning just seems so..blah. Having been 26 for a whole two months, I have to say, I quite like the age. It's not too young, not too old, not life changing (like 21, or 16, or 30). So, I put together a list. The first one is why being 26 is better than being 25 and the second is things that I hope to learn/have learned while being this fabulous age. Happy Birthday L.Ko!
1. You move to the 26-34 check box. And who doesn't want to be the youngest person in the check box?
2. You can refer to yourself as a professional 20 something and have a non padded resume to back it up.
3. You can still drink like you're 25 (or 21) but now know that a big meal and water are key to lasting all night long
4. You can old enough to go to fancy dinner parties and everyone will talk about how young and cute and adorable you are.
5. You can still watch The Hills or The City or any other show on MTV and not feel the need to justify it to anyone (cause hey, we grew up on that stuff!)
10 THINGS YOU LEARN (or I hope to learn) WHEN YOU ARE 26
1. How to fall in love without losing yourself
2. How to live alone, even if you don't like to
3. How to make dinner, a cocktail, or pick a good glass of wine
4. When to try harder and when to walk away
5. When to stop drinking like you're in college
6. Staying home on a Friday night in your sweats watching Sex and the City reruns with Ben and Jerry isn't pathetic, it's awesome...and necessary.
7. That it's okay to buy something ridiculously expensive, sometimes you deserve it
8. That having a couple really good, always there for you no matter what friends are all a girls needs.
9. That maybe your mom is always right
10. That you're only 26. You have your whole life ahead of you to be worried, stressed out, and angry. So enjoy it while you can.
Hey LBD, Meet Your New BFF
Tis the Season for family gatherings, holiday parties, office parties, and your usual weekend extravaganzas. So what's a girl to do about her oufits? I mean seriously, you can only wear your favorite LBD a couple times before you start boring yourself. And you clearly can't go buy a dress for every occasion unless you won the lotto or don't plan on eating till Easter. Don't worry CANY readers, problem solved. Check out this adorable bracelet from Kate Spade. It's shiny, colorful, glitzy, fun, and makes a statement--everything the holidays should be about. All you need is this and your fave LBD, some stilettos (or boots!) and you're ready to conquer any gathering you go to. Careful, you're LBD might get a little jealous from all the attention your new bling is going to bring.

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