Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009
Favorite Song Friday: She needs Jimmy Choo-oo-oo-oo-oos.
- Get there early - wild mobs are expected.
- For everything except shoes & accessories, it's open-season.
- The first 160 people in line will get wristbands that are color-coordinated with times to shop the shoes/accessories. After these 160 people, everyone will have access to this extra special section.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
26 is the new 21

Hey LBD, Meet Your New BFF

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Christmas Cheer

Ladies and Gentlemen, it has arrived. The pinnacle of Christmas Shopping. Apart from the mind-boggling array of designer Everything-I-Want-Now, nothing compares to paging through the fantasy section. If Santa shopped at Neiman's, I'd ask him for the Neiman Marcus Edition, 2010 Jaguar XL - with its glass roof and super awesome features (!).
However, understanding that entire cars are difficult to fit under all but the largest of Christmas trees, I suppose I could settle for the customizable cupcake car with matching hat (!!). Picturing myself cruising around Pac Heights at 7 mph in motorized cupcake a brings the kind of cheer that only Neiman's can deliver.
via NeimanMarcus.com
Monday, November 2, 2009
Better than Starbucks (I'm being serious).
And on that note, Get Your Yoga On.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I Choo-Choo-Choose you!

It's all very 80's-rocker chic -- lots of suede, leather, studs & sparkles. but I'm absolutely in L.O.V.E. with this suede one-shoulder mini-dress. Check out the more pics of the line here.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
How To Be A Hipster
Behold! Your official, head-to-toe CANY guide to dressing like a hipster. I'd say most (if not all) of these items are unisex. So male or female, you'll be all set. And don't forget your overall attitude of disinterest.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Love is a Four Letter Word

In his new series entitled, Love is a Four Letter Word, Mastrovito uses his vibrant collages to examine the nuanced and complex nature of love. For Mastrovito, love is a treacherous cycle that begins with innocence, followed by a violent initiation (represented as death), and then begins again in a sort of beautiful rebirth. The cycle is conveyed via a large frieze, which will wrap around the gallery space, sequenced so that each piece is a connected part of this narrative whole. He articulates the themes of this narrative through an overt symbolism. Innocent figures are shown in white, wielding guns, while the ‘victims’ of love, once shot, become colorful embodiments of love itself, expressed by his use only of the letters L-O-V-E in their construction. These figures drown in a sea of L-O-V-E only to be reborn or rebuilt as new individuals. The white and the colored figures emerge in various incarnations in each separate work, while on the whole, as the frieze evolves, innocence fades and love grows.
The exhibition’s use of “love,”the word, the symbol, involves a deconstruction through repetition, which exposes the quality, meaning, and intricacy of the experience and process of love.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Say Hello To My Little Friend

Enter: Silver Moon Ice Cream
With flavors like "Coffee with Brownie Bits" and "Pomegranate Martini", you can kill three birds with one spoon. The artisan ice cream is spiked with liqueur, creating the ultimate companion to your "boys-suck" bout of depression.
Sadly, the ice cream is only sold in stores around the bay area, but happily, it can be shipped direct to your door in orders of 5 pints.
Which may or may not be enough, depending on how much the boy does, in fact, suck.
Back to CANY
Apologies CANY readers, as you can tell from my opening quote, I've been dealing with a break-up. But I'm back and ready to post my heart out. I plan on being stronger than ever and having you follow that process with me. I will say though, Carrie's quote couldn't resonate to be more true. Dealing with a breakup is nasty and harsh and makes you want to run away from it all. Yuck. Any CANY girl knows though, that life does go on...and I can't wait to share it all with you.
Friday, October 2, 2009
But my last two times out dancing have been with a couple of my faves - Sandy & Ron - to the Castro. As a small-town girl from Texas, I feel like I see something to call home about every time I go down there. This weekend was no exception. I stepped out of the cab, and started wandering up the street to find Harvey's, where I was meeting everyone. First thing I see? A naked man. Just chillin'. (and it was chilly out). It just got better from there - lots o' leather (It was Folsom Street Fair last weekend) & the most fabulous drag queens you ever did see.
After we got kicked out of Harvey's at closing time, we headed over to The Endup. It's open to the wee hours of the morning, if you haven't gotten your dance fix by 2am. Both times I've been there, the crowd is nothing short of awesome. SFGate calls it a "low-frills down-and-dirty disco". Which it is. And the back patio is heaven when you've been dancing your tail feather off all night & need a breath of fresh air to catch your second (0r fifth) wind.
So. Here's to staying busy, nights on the town, and seeing things that your father wouldn't approve of!
Have a happy weekend, everybody.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Words of the Wise Wednesday.
Whether it be in regards to love, work, relationships, or your favorite restaurant, I couldn't have said it better myself.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Man Tip Monday
Monday, August 10, 2009
Vacation Recap.

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Yes, Another Video.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Peachy Keen
Nothing is more heartbreaking than buying a completely cute new pair of shoes, and tear your feet to shreds trying to break them in, only to discover that they will not, in fact, stretch out over your fat feet.
Save My Feet to the rescue! Just rub a small amount (about a dime-sized amount per foot) where the shoe could potentially rub blisters, and you're good for up to 8 hours!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Is Bacon the new Black?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
So, please, Miss Scrunchie Wearing Tourist from Alabama, think twice before calling my favorite street "tacky." As Carrie Bradshaw says, "If we all have one true love, then New York is mine. And I don't want nobody talkin shit about my boyfriend."
Beware the Cancerous Hot Dog!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Everybody Loves Ingrid
Number 4 was Yumi

Monday, July 20, 2009
I'm Sorry?
LiLo's Back.

Models and Bottles.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I'm pretty sure

Sunday, July 12, 2009
New Old Joynt

Friday, July 10, 2009
Favorite Song Friday
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Models and Bottles
Sunday, July 5, 2009
We hold these truths to be self evident
I rang in the anniversary of our Nation's Independence by meeting #3 (the one who doesn't pay) at 21st Amendment, a microbrewery/restaurant/bar. Yes, I know I went off on him a few posts ago, but I thought I'd give the poor boy another shot. Two things I learned:
- Stop blaming bad dates on first-date nerves. Chances are, it's just his personality.
- Watermelon-fermented beer is perhaps one of the greatest gifts our nation has bestowed upon us.
If there's one thing I enjoy about the West Coast, it's the vast array of microbreweries. I love that they're all (fairly) unique and completely unpretentious. 21st Amendment is no different. I didn't try the food, but I immediately took to the cheeky brews ("Brew Free! or die") & laid back vibe.
The Southern girl in me was immediately drawn to "Hell or High Watermelon" - a wheat beer that is infused with watermelon juice during it's second fermentation. And I didn't look back. It wasn't sweet at all, but very refreshing and just enough watermelon to remind me of summers in Texas.
The other brilliant thing about 21st Amendment is that it is only blocks away from AT&T Park, which is quickly becoming my favorite summer hangout. Hellooooo Ryan Sadowski!
Our forefathers may not have set forth upon this great land to provide us with hot baseball players and ice cold beer every July 4, but it certainly is a grand way to celebrate.
Favorite Song Sunday
So, after what was a roller coaster of a month, I'm incredibly glad that July is here, and also, I am declaring the new BEP song my summer anthem. I encourage you all to do the same.
Because it's gonna be a good good month.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
This Just In...
Monday, June 29, 2009
The "Real" Devil Wears Prada
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Invention of Lying
Culture: Get some.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Favorite Song Friday
Shoe Sale? UMMM..I Die.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Third time was NOT the charm.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Stay Tuned
Tonight is guy 3 (date 7). We are meeting at Tied House. I'll post tomorrow re: the beer, baseball & boy.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Brunches of Fun

If The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine...

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Favorite Song Sunday
I'm no expert, but...
The atmosphere was a little strange...for one, we were the only table in there for about 10 minutes, until a pair of guys came in. Secondly, it was extremely dark. I'm wondering if passers-by just thought it was closed?
Anyway, we started with Samosas (of course) & shared the Murgh Malai Kabab (chicken tandoori dish) & Ghosh Madras. The food was AMAZING. The lamb curry was so spicy my nose was running & the chicken and amazing flavor. It was also extremely juicy - not dry like some tandoori chicken I've had in the past.
I think Tabla in Foster City is still my favorite (the Bollywood movies make it), but for a neighborhood where the standard dress code is Frat Party Chic, I think Ashoka is quite acceptable.
Monday, June 15, 2009
What You Should Be Wearing Tuesday

Friday, June 12, 2009
Lunch Break Find

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
American Idol Shocker

His decision to audition for "American Idol" came after a week at Burning Man -- an annual festival held in a Nevada desert -- where he experimented with "certain funguses."
"I had a psychedelic experience where I looked up at the clouds and went, 'Oh!' " he said. "I realized that we all have our own power, and that whatever I wanted to do, I had to make happen."
And what he wanted to do was be on "American Idol," he said.
Secret to Happiness

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Union Street Festival, Revisited

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Festivus for the Rest of Us

The Maxi Dress: Do or Don't?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Martha. I heart her.

It's Better in the Hamptons