Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Third time was NOT the charm.


A word of advice. If you have exchanged a few emails with a gal... say, one you met through an online dating service... and you say, "would you like to grab a drink after work sometime?", and she agrees, PLEASE at least OFFER to pay for her drinks and dinner. You can even use it as a test . Any woman who is worth a darn will put up a fight and insist on paying for her fair share. But we at least like to think you're willing to pay!

Also, please note that this has nothing to do with being shallow. A girl (even independent girls of 2009) wants to know the guy she's with will take care of her if she needs him to. Not offering to pay on a first date kind of sends red flags. It's the simplest form of showing you're a gentleman (aside from the whole opening doors thing).

So, there are my 2 cents for today. I would've given more, but I had to split the bar tab last night.

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