Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009


We all know by now that I have a serious shopping problem. So, while doing my usual retail-therapy-I-deserve-these-because-I'm-awesome website shopping this morning, I found these. Could it be? A shoe so hot and it claims to be comfortable?? What?? Oh, Kenneth Cole, you may be the one man that has found the way to my heart. I was so intrigued that I went to check this out at lunch time. And ladies, it's true!!! Not only are these the hottest things this side of the equator but they are SO friggin comfy. The new 9 to 5 technology made it feel like I was wearing sneakers or Uggs (ok, ok, maybe not uggs). I can't wait to buy them and wear them to holiday party after holiday party. You can start sending me your holiday party invites now, please.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Favorite Song Friday: She needs Jimmy Choo-oo-oo-oo-oos.

Yes, this is post #2 about Jimmy Choo. But the line launches at H&M tomorrow, so we thought it best to tell you everything you need to know about stocking up on your Choos.
  1. Get there early - wild mobs are expected.
  2. For everything except shoes & accessories, it's open-season.
  3. The first 160 people in line will get wristbands that are color-coordinated with times to shop the shoes/accessories. After these 160 people, everyone will have access to this extra special section.
Keep it classy, ladies. We know it's exciting, but save the profanity, hair-pulling and eye-gouging for Black Friday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

26 is the new 21

L. Ko has a birthday coming up and she mentioned to me that she was upset about the thought of turning 26...it just seems so..blah. Having been 26 for a whole two months, I have to say, I quite like the age. It's not too young, not too old, not life changing (like 21, or 16, or 30). So, I put together a list. The first one is why being 26 is better than being 25 and the second is things that I hope to learn/have learned while being this fabulous age. Happy Birthday L.Ko!

1. You move to the 26-34 check box. And who doesn't want to be the youngest person in the check box?
2. You can refer to yourself as a professional 20 something and have a non padded resume to back it up.
3. You can still drink like you're 25 (or 21) but now know that a big meal and water are key to lasting all night long
4. You can old enough to go to fancy dinner parties and everyone will talk about how young and cute and adorable you are.
5. You can still watch The Hills or The City or any other show on MTV and not feel the need to justify it to anyone (cause hey, we grew up on that stuff!)
10 THINGS YOU LEARN (or I hope to learn) WHEN YOU ARE 26
1. How to fall in love without losing yourself
2. How to live alone, even if you don't like to
3. How to make dinner, a cocktail, or pick a good glass of wine
4. When to try harder and when to walk away
5. When to stop drinking like you're in college
6. Staying home on a Friday night in your sweats watching Sex and the City reruns with Ben and Jerry isn't pathetic, it's awesome...and necessary.
7. That it's okay to buy something ridiculously expensive, sometimes you deserve it
8. That having a couple really good, always there for you no matter what friends are all a girls needs.
9. That maybe your mom is always right
10. That you're only 26. You have your whole life ahead of you to be worried, stressed out, and angry. So enjoy it while you can.

Hey LBD, Meet Your New BFF

Tis the Season for family gatherings, holiday parties, office parties, and your usual weekend extravaganzas. So what's a girl to do about her oufits? I mean seriously, you can only wear your favorite LBD a couple times before you start boring yourself. And you clearly can't go buy a dress for every occasion unless you won the lotto or don't plan on eating till Easter. Don't worry CANY readers, problem solved. Check out this adorable bracelet from Kate Spade. It's shiny, colorful, glitzy, fun, and makes a statement--everything the holidays should be about. All you need is this and your fave LBD, some stilettos (or boots!) and you're ready to conquer any gathering you go to. Careful, you're LBD might get a little jealous from all the attention your new bling is going to bring.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Christmas Cheer

There comes a point in every little girl's life when she graduates from dog-earing pages in the annual Toys 'R' Us Christmas Catalog, to dog-earing the pages in the annual Neiman Marcus Catalog.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it has arrived. The pinnacle of Christmas Shopping. Apart from the mind-boggling array of designer Everything-I-Want-Now, nothing compares to paging through the fantasy section. If Santa shopped at Neiman's, I'd ask him for the Neiman Marcus Edition, 2010 Jaguar XL - with its glass roof and super awesome features (!).

However, understanding that entire cars are difficult to fit under all but the largest of Christmas trees, I suppose I could settle for the customizable cupcake car with matching hat (!!). Picturing myself cruising around Pac Heights at 7 mph in motorized cupcake a brings the kind of cheer that only Neiman's can deliver.

via NeimanMarcus.com

Monday, November 2, 2009

Better than Starbucks (I'm being serious).

I'm going to get straight to the point. I'm a yoga-aholic. Every single time I take a class, it kicks my ass, helps me center my chi, refreshes me, and makes me feel like I can conquer the world--all in a measly 60 minutes. My favorite yoga studio is Yoga to the People (www.yogatothepeople.com). They have classes in NYC AND San Francisco! I highly reccomend them to anyone, regardless of experience or age. It's not a fashion show (read: you don't have to worry if the girl next to you has better yoga pants) and they play fun music (Jack Johnson, Britney, Kayne) and make sure that your ass gets officially kicked so that you are sore as soon as you walk out. The best part? It's a donation based studio so you only pay what you can. If that's not enough motivation, I just purchased a yoga mat last week and carry it around with me everywhere (yes, me.) I swear just knowing I'm going to class makes me feel like I'm floating.

And on that note, Get Your Yoga On.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Eat, Drink, and Be Scary!

Happy Halloween!!!
CANY girls

Monday, October 26, 2009

Quote of the Day:

"Boys come and go. Twitter is forever." - Katy Perry

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Choo-Choo-Choose you!

If there's one thing we at CANY Girls love more than Jimmy Choo, it's some Jimmy Choo on the cheap. So we couldn't be more excited about the H&M line that JC is launching on November 14...just in time for my annual b-day shopping spree.

It's all very 80's-rocker chic -- lots of suede, leather, studs & sparkles. but I'm absolutely in L.O.V.E. with this suede one-shoulder mini-dress. Check out the more pics of the line here.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Be A Hipster

Friday night I got the opportunity to see the master-mind behind my summer anthem at Slim's (Show was amazing, btw). As is the case with so many bars around San Francisco, I was dressed way too Banana Republic. I hate when this happens, so I feel it is my duty to make sure it never happens to you.

Behold! Your official, head-to-toe CANY guide to dressing like a hipster. I'd say most (if not all) of these items are unisex. So male or female, you'll be all set. And don't forget your overall attitude of disinterest.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Love is a Four Letter Word

To celebrate my new found singledom, it only seemed right that I would attend the "Love is a Four Letter Word" Art Exhibit at the Foley Gallery in Chelsea. I love art to death and when you throw in some wine and cheese, a grand opening event, and Wall-street types, it absolutly sounds like an evening to remember. The exhibit opens this Friday (when I plan to attend) and tickets can be bought online. Dress is trendy/upscale and the event starts at 7pm. I'll report on how it goes. Oh, how so Charlottle of me!
More about the exhibit:
The exhibition Love is a Four Letter Word will coincide with Slash: Paper Under the Knife at the Museum of Arts and Design, which will include the cut paper work of Mastrovito. Foley Gallery will also feature three artists from the Slash exhibition, Tom Gallant, Daniel Alcalá, and Rob Carter, in the project gallery.
In his new series entitled, Love is a Four Letter Word, Mastrovito uses his vibrant collages to examine the nuanced and complex nature of love. For Mastrovito, love is a treacherous cycle that begins with innocence, followed by a violent initiation (represented as death), and then begins again in a sort of beautiful rebirth. The cycle is conveyed via a large frieze, which will wrap around the gallery space, sequenced so that each piece is a connected part of this narrative whole. He articulates the themes of this narrative through an overt symbolism. Innocent figures are shown in white, wielding guns, while the ‘victims’ of love, once shot, become colorful embodiments of love itself, expressed by his use only of the letters L-O-V-E in their construction. These figures drown in a sea of L-O-V-E only to be reborn or rebuilt as new individuals. The white and the colored figures emerge in various incarnations in each separate work, while on the whole, as the frieze evolves, innocence fades and love grows.
The exhibition’s use of “love,”the word, the symbol, involves a deconstruction through repetition, which exposes the quality, meaning, and intricacy of the experience and process of love.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Favorite Song Friday

In honor of the great tradition that is the Red River Shootout:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Say Hello To My Little Friend

As as smart, emotionally-complex & thoughtful creatures, when a relationship comes to a close, we women have three things in the Louis Vuitton handbag of our lives to which we turn for comfort: Friends, Ice Cream, & Hard Liquor.

Enter: Silver Moon Ice Cream

With flavors like "Coffee with Brownie Bits" and "Pomegranate Martini", you can kill three birds with one spoon. The artisan ice cream is spiked with liqueur, creating the ultimate companion to your "boys-suck" bout of depression.

Sadly, the ice cream is only sold in stores around the bay area, but happily, it can be shipped direct to your door in orders of 5 pints.

Which may or may not be enough, depending on how much the boy does, in fact, suck.

Back to CANY

After a break-up, certain street, locations, even times of day are off-limits. The city becomes a deserted battlefield, loaded with emotional landmines. You have to be very careful where you step or you could be blown to pieces. ~ Carrie Bradshaw

Apologies CANY readers, as you can tell from my opening quote, I've been dealing with a break-up. But I'm back and ready to post my heart out. I plan on being stronger than ever and having you follow that process with me. I will say though, Carrie's quote couldn't resonate to be more true. Dealing with a breakup is nasty and harsh and makes you want to run away from it all. Yuck. Any CANY girl knows though, that life does go on...and I can't wait to share it all with you.


Friday, October 2, 2009


Eater SF just released the Eater 38 - it's list of the 38 quintessential San Francisco restaurants. They aren't ranked or ordered, they're just some SF goodness.

Looks like I'll have to break out the stretchy pants and work my way through this thing...


Oh, how long it has been. Things have been a little crazy on the coasts. I do apologize for the lack of activity. Today's post is dedicated to one of my favorite new party places: The Castro. To date, my after-sundown outings have been largely relegated to the Marina. Oh, Marina, how I love to hate you. It's like one giant frat part for grown-ups. (that being said, Marina Lounge is a very low-key, supremely un-pretentious bar that I would move into if they took credit cards)

But my last two times out dancing have been with a couple of my faves - Sandy & Ron - to the Castro. As a small-town girl from Texas, I feel like I see something to call home about every time I go down there. This weekend was no exception. I stepped out of the cab, and started wandering up the street to find Harvey's, where I was meeting everyone. First thing I see? A naked man. Just chillin'. (and it was chilly out). It just got better from there - lots o' leather (It was Folsom Street Fair last weekend) & the most fabulous drag queens you ever did see.

After we got kicked out of Harvey's at closing time, we headed over to The Endup. It's open to the wee hours of the morning, if you haven't gotten your dance fix by 2am. Both times I've been there, the crowd is nothing short of awesome. SFGate calls it a "low-frills down-and-dirty disco". Which it is. And the back patio is heaven when you've been dancing your tail feather off all night & need a breath of fresh air to catch your second (0r fifth) wind.

So. Here's to staying busy, nights on the town, and seeing things that your father wouldn't approve of!

Have a happy weekend, everybody.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Words of the Wise Wednesday.

"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall in place" - Marylin Monroe.

Whether it be in regards to love, work, relationships, or your favorite restaurant, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Man Tip Monday

Tip: "Casually" name dropping exotic countries you've been to within the first 5 minutes of meeting a girl demonstrates that you are self-involved more than it demonstrates that you are well-traveled.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vacation Recap.

I apologize CANY readers for my lack of posting, but it is alas summer and I've been visiting beaches to get last bit of summer sun in (Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do). I just got back from the Bahamas and The Hamptons. Two very different places with very pretty beaches. Below is a list of top ten things I learned while in Paradise:

10. I highly reccomend the Bahamas as a vacation destination to all New Yorkers. It is only a 2.5 hour plane ride (direct on Jet Blue!). I stayed at the Atlantis Resorts which I highly reccomend. I only left the resort once during my entire trip!

9. Every beach vacation needs a beach cocktail. Pina Coladas and Mango Mojitos were some of my favorites.

8. If going to the Hamptons, check out SAG Harbor. They have some fantastic restaurants and nightlife.

7. ALWAYS wear sunscreen! I lathered up with this great stuff from Neutrogena.

6. A pedicure is a must before hitting the sand. I love this DIY kit from Crabtree & Evelyn.

5. While I don't believe it make up at the beach, a little waterproof mascara never hurt anyone. I put two coats on in the morning and some chapstick and I was set.

4. My favorite pool in the Bahamas was the Cain at the Cove Atlantis. It's an adult only pool with great music, cocktails, and beautiful people.

3. My favorite beach in South Hampton was Cooper Beach. Go early to get a prime spot near the water and beach shack that serves great snacks.

2. The Chlorine and salt water killed my hair. Thankfully, I brought along Moroccon Oil. It transformed my hair from crunchy and sticky to smooth and shiny instantly.

1. And my number 1? Turn off the cellphone, blackberries, and laptops!!!! These things are not necessary or a good idea while on any sort of vacation. It's important that you enjoy your last days of summer.

Happy Beaching!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yes, Another Video.

If you haven't already done so, go see 500 Days of Summer. It's a story about love, not a love story. So don't go expecting sunshine & roses & singing birds (though there are some of those, too). And my, my, my! Joseph Gordon-Levitt sure has grown up nicely since his days on Third Rock From The Sun.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Peachy Keen

I have found a new love, and it comes in a bottle. Peaches & Boo Boo's "Save My Feet Blister Elixir" might just be the greatest invention of the decade (though the Wii is a close second).

Nothing is more heartbreaking than buying a completely cute new pair of shoes, and tear your feet to shreds trying to break them in, only to discover that they will not, in fact, stretch out over your fat feet.

Save My Feet to the rescue! Just rub a small amount (about a dime-sized amount per foot) where the shoe could potentially rub blisters, and you're good for up to 8 hours!

Because if there's anything more sad ugly blisters at the beach, it's a new pair of shoes sitting lonely and forlorn in your closet.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Is Bacon the new Black?

From maple bacon lattes for breakfast, to bacon-wrapped hot dogs post-party, bacon seems to have left it's normal job as "side of" at breakfast and infused itself into every aspect of the day. Bacon Blogs, Bacon Bartering, Bacon Bandages. What's with the pork preoccupation?

Don't they know what bacon can do to you?

photo via baconhaikus

Favorite Song Friday

The perfect weekend song. And a little something to tide me over until Mika's new album.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama Loves Sorority Girls.

I mean, who doesn't. Read more here.


While walking through my favorite street in Soho today, I overheard someone talking about how tacky and chaotic Prince street was. I just laughed. Tacky? No way. Chaotic? Hardly. Prince street has everything any sane person has ever wanted -- jewlery stores, boutiques galore, art galleries, and of course, clothes, clothes, clothes. If you live in the area, I would hit Prince street while you can. French Connection, WINK, and Alice & Olivia are all having great sales. I myself visited the fantastic street jewlery stands and found a pretty gold chain for the stunning price of $4.00. I put it on right away and went back to work, and have already recieved compliments.

So, please, Miss Scrunchie Wearing Tourist from Alabama, think twice before calling my favorite street "tacky." As Carrie Bradshaw says, "If we all have one true love, then New York is mine. And I don't want nobody talkin shit about my boyfriend."

Beware the Cancerous Hot Dog!

The Associated Press reported today that The Cancer Project is suing three major hot dog manufactuers (I'll give you a hint. One has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R), saying hot dog packages sold in stores should come with a warning lable, like that on cigarrettes, citing this report from the American Institute for Cancer Research.

I'm not sure why they aren't taking aim at producers of red meat and alcohol, which the same study also showed increase chances of corectal cancer.

It sounds like some kind of conspiracy by vegetarians to limit our fun at baseball games, if you ask me. And with gourmet hotdogs popping up all over the place, they're an easy target (anti-alcohol is so 1920).

So, in the name of all that is American, please! Save the Hot Dog!

Hot Dog Hot Spots

P.S. For a great Mexican Hot Dog in SF, hit up the hot dog cart outside of Circa after last call.

photo via seriouseats.com

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Everybody Loves Ingrid

With the release of her newest album, Everybody, fast approaching, Ingrid Michaelson has announced not only an upcoming tour & giving fans a chance to download exclusive tracks by signing up for her mailing list & referring friends.

You can also listen to her newest single, "Maybe" here. With her simple lyrics and sweet melodies, how could you resist? Even with songs about broken hearts, she manages to make it feel as though all is right in the world.

So, until August 25, here's a little Ingrid to warm your heart:

Number 4 was Yumi

So, I think I may have found a new favorite date spot. Delicious yogurt, cute patio (watch out for the train noise, though) & a witty boy. Who could ask for more?

I highly recommend the watermelon fat free yogurt. And be prepared; the cup size is not indicitive of how much yogurt you actually get. I got a small & had to skip dinner, I was so full.

And even better...the date paid.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Sorry?

After getting zero jailtime and 5 years probation, Chris Brown finally spoke out, apologizing for assaulting Rhianna. Watch the vid for yourself, but really?? I'm sure your obviously scripted apology made Rhianna feel all better! I'm sure she also appreciates you taking a moment to let your fans know how sorry you are for beating the crap out of her. I'm not saying it's not sincere. I'm sure he is sorry. But I just think this is one of those situations where sorry doesn't cut it. I know countless men who lose their temper and still would NEVER lay a hand on a woman. Much less one that loves them.

But that's my opinion. Thoughts?

Suck it.

Happy National Lollipop Day

LiLo's Back.

Clearly, Lindsay Lohan is trying to make a come back with a positive spin (read: no rehab moments, custody battles, papparazzi fights, driving accidents, etc). When not working on her new movie, she has been modeling as the new face of Fornarina. New York Magazine says of her ads that she "looks like a meatpacking district clubgoer who had an accident with a guitar she found at an after-party in the wee hours." I couldn't agree more. Oh, Lindsay. See you at Ganzevort.

Models and Bottles.

Oh New York City nightlife. Being a part of it, you would have no idea we were in a recession. There are bottles of Grey Goose flowing, scantily clad models/designers/actors everywhere buying $25 cocktails, ex-bankers dancing as if they just bought a new condo on Park avenue, and champagne and sparklers a plenty. Enter, 1 Oak, one of my favorite hot spots in the city for a fabulous night club experience.. The door is tough, the atmosphere amazing, the people beautiful, and the service top notch. If you can make it past the door (I highly reccomed reservations and that you dress to impress) you will be in for a night of delight. The club only allows 250 people to enter and so it feels as if you have been invited to a small private party. The DJ is great, the decor is fabulous with oak paneling, abstract paintings, and a roaring fireplace. They even just opened a spot in South Hampton so you can have the finest of nighlife experience while on vacation as well. Cheers!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm pretty sure

the last thing Lindsay Lohan's career needs is "a little bump". And yes. I will be watching.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Old Joynt

After my recent relocation to Pac Heights, I've been spending as much time as I can exploring my new neighborhood. Whole Foods & BevMo were, of couse, first stops. But I was taking the 47 Van Ness to the Giants' game last week and noticed this atrocity of a building 2 blocks away. And of course I knew I had to go. I mean, it SCREAMS fun. It's got "cocktails" in the name for crissakes. Turns out, it's also a San Francisco landmark. And if you think the outside is busy, you should see the inside.

So! Tonight I went. And they had brisket on the menu. Don't get me wrong, I love a nice restaraunt with cloth napkins and waiters and all, but sometimes there is nothing better to me than a plate of brisket served out of a cafeteria-style serving line. I am from Texas, after all.

I highly recommend the dinner plate. Ten bucks gets you a choice of meat (alot of it!), side, & choice of salad. The food definitely did not disappoint. Although, I would skip the bbq sauce. It was very molasses-y and more a gravy consistency than a bbq sauce consistency.

Next time, I'll have to try this joynt's cocktails.

photo via themenupage.com

Friday, July 10, 2009

Favorite Song Friday

Thank you, Pandora, for introducing me to Wax Tailor, the nom de plume (look at me using French!) of French hip hop/rap producer Jean-Christophe Le Saoût.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Models and Bottles

Oh New York City nightlife. Being a part of it, you would have no idea we were in a recession. There are bottles of Grey Goose flowing, scantily clad models/designers/actors everywhere buying $25 cocktails, ex-bankers dancing as if they just bought a new condo on Park avenue, and champagne and sparklers a plenty. Enter, 1 Oak, one of my favorite hot spots in the city for a fabulous night club experience.. The door is tough, the atmosphere amazing, the people beautiful, and the service top notch. If you can make it past the door (I highly reccomed reservations and that you dress to impress) you will be in for a night of delight. The club only allows 250 people to enter and so it feels as if you have been invited to a small private party. The DJ is great, the decor is fabulous with oak paneling, abstract paintings, and a roaring fireplace. They even just opened a spot in South Hampton so you can have the finest of nighlife experience while on vacation as well. Cheers!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

We hold these truths to be self evident

...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of great beer.

I rang in the anniversary of our Nation's Independence by meeting #3 (the one who doesn't pay) at 21st Amendment, a microbrewery/restaurant/bar. Yes, I know I went off on him a few posts ago, but I thought I'd give the poor boy another shot. Two things I learned:
  1. Stop blaming bad dates on first-date nerves. Chances are, it's just his personality.
  2. Watermelon-fermented beer is perhaps one of the greatest gifts our nation has bestowed upon us.

If there's one thing I enjoy about the West Coast, it's the vast array of microbreweries. I love that they're all (fairly) unique and completely unpretentious. 21st Amendment is no different. I didn't try the food, but I immediately took to the cheeky brews ("Brew Free! or die") & laid back vibe.

The Southern girl in me was immediately drawn to "Hell or High Watermelon" - a wheat beer that is infused with watermelon juice during it's second fermentation. And I didn't look back. It wasn't sweet at all, but very refreshing and just enough watermelon to remind me of summers in Texas.

The other brilliant thing about 21st Amendment is that it is only blocks away from AT&T Park, which is quickly becoming my favorite summer hangout. Hellooooo Ryan Sadowski!

Our forefathers may not have set forth upon this great land to provide us with hot baseball players and ice cold beer every July 4, but it certainly is a grand way to celebrate.

Favorite Song Sunday

So, I missed Friday again. In my defense, I have no cable or internet at the new apt. (Thanks, Comcast for making me live like it's 1922. I appreciate it.)

So, after what was a roller coaster of a month, I'm incredibly glad that July is here, and also, I am declaring the new BEP song my summer anthem. I encourage you all to do the same.

Because it's gonna be a good good month.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This Just In...

It's almost restaurant week in New York city!!! And now, you can make reservations on opentable here. Hurry because you know how fast it fills up! Bon Appetit.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The "Real" Devil Wears Prada

Like every good New Yorker, my news sources consisit of either New York Magazine or the Post. While reading my Monday updates, I was shocked to learn that Anna Wintour has a documentary coming out next month titled "The September Issue." If you do not know who Anna Wintour is, you should be ashamed of yourself. For those of you who are as fascinated by her life as I am and secretly try and stalk her during fashion week, then this is the documentary for you. Apparently she refers to Jennifer Garner as looking "pregnant" and says other mean nasty terrible things..while wearing Chanel, of course. Learn more here.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Invention of Lying

Confession: I am addicted to celebrity blogs. Even the boring ones that only talk about how they had sushi for lunch and it was REALLY GOOD! But my all-time favorite celebrity blog is Ricky Gervais' (Gervais's?). I think he's a comedic genius. Up there with Eddie Izzard. So, naturally, I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for the trailer to his new movie The Invention of Lying to come out. Jennifer Garner, Rob Lowe, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill! I might have a heart attack. And that's no lie.

Culture: Get some.

In a city that sleeps only slightly less than NY (thanks to that pesky 2am last call), it becomes all too easy for a gal to spend all of her evenings at bars and clubs. Since checking TMZ.com every few hours doesn't really count when it comes to being "cultured", I like to visit the theatre, museum or random live music event every now and then so that I can make myself feel more interesting. Case and point: Independent Theatre.

Thanks to an awesome friend who had an extra ticket, I got to see Love, Humiliation & Karaoke, a one-man, autobiographical show about everything from singing trannies to online dating. Unfortunately for San Franciscans, Thursday was the show's last night in the city, but luckily for New Yorkers it will be heading to the Midtown International Theatre Festival in late July.

Added bonus: even if you can't make LHK, there's a solid 3 weeks of independent theatre to be had at the festival. I figure you can claim to be cultured for a solid 14 days after seeing a play.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Favorite Song Friday

So, technically it's still Thursday out on the Left Coast (for another 45 minutes), but I didn't want to miss favorite song Friday again. Today's song is in honor of my moving from the 'burbs to the heart of San Francisco.

courtesy Rhettandlink

Here's to my very own de-luxe apartment in the sky.

Shoe Sale? UMMM..I Die.

I found something to make Lko forget that date faster than Michael Phelps can swim (no, I'm being serious). Nine West is having an amazing shoe sale! And I mean AMAZING. Everything is not only slashed up to 50%, but many shoes are marked down an additional 20% at checkout. AND the shoes are super cute. AND they throw in free shipping. Someone pinch me??? I just ordered a couple pairs online, but my favorite will be these. I have been wanting to try the new gladiator trend for awhile, and the amazing prices persuaded me to do it. Okay, quick, go check it out!! I'll update everyone once my boxes of shoes arrive in the mail (sqeal!!!).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Third time was NOT the charm.


A word of advice. If you have exchanged a few emails with a gal... say, one you met through an online dating service... and you say, "would you like to grab a drink after work sometime?", and she agrees, PLEASE at least OFFER to pay for her drinks and dinner. You can even use it as a test . Any woman who is worth a darn will put up a fight and insist on paying for her fair share. But we at least like to think you're willing to pay!

Also, please note that this has nothing to do with being shallow. A girl (even independent girls of 2009) wants to know the guy she's with will take care of her if she needs him to. Not offering to pay on a first date kind of sends red flags. It's the simplest form of showing you're a gentleman (aside from the whole opening doors thing).

So, there are my 2 cents for today. I would've given more, but I had to split the bar tab last night.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Stay Tuned

Two months ago I ventured into the exciting world of online dating. I've been out with 2 guys (6 dates), and read countless emails & profiles.

Tonight is guy 3 (date 7). We are meeting at Tied House. I'll post tomorrow re: the beer, baseball & boy.

Let's hope he does better than the Longhorns did last night.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Brunches of Fun

It's no secret that brunch is my favorite meal. If restaurants in Manhattan only served brunch, I'd be perfectly happy. I'm going to share my favorite brunch places with all of you. This week it is Sarahbeth's. Go early as it tends to get crowded as the day goes on (I reccomend the Upper West Side location). It's well worth it- the menu has everything from eggs to waffles to french toast galore. I highly reccomend the Almond Crusted French Toast. Your taste buds will thank you.

If The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine...

Then you might as well go shoe shopping. Which is exactly what I did. For those New Yorkers out there, you must also be sitting there wondering when it is that you moved to Seattle. This rain won't stop! It's been raining for a week straight and it's supposed to rain for another...gross. I've been trying to find the perfect wellies to keep my feet dry for months, and this past weekend I decided enough is enough (really, my feet were begging me to make a decision already dammit) and I opted for these boots from Hunter. While a bit of an investment, I can not get over how COMFORTABLE and stylish they are. You can wear them with dresses, leggings, and even tuck your jeans into them. I bought them in the bright cheery red to make me look forward to this El Nino of the summer.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Favorite Song Sunday

So I missed posting a new song on Friday. My bad. But this one will make up for it, I think.

I'm no expert, but...

So, yesterday was a fun-filled day of new adventures in the Bay Area. After a long day at Great America, J & I were waayy to tired/lazy to cook. So we wandered up to Chestnut to find something to eat. I said, "I would like Greek or Indian" (random, I know). Being the Marina, there is little Indian to be had, but we'd decided that's what we wanted, and J thought she remembered seeing a place. And behold! Ashoka!

The atmosphere was a little strange...for one, we were the only table in there for about 10 minutes, until a pair of guys came in. Secondly, it was extremely dark. I'm wondering if passers-by just thought it was closed?

Anyway, we started with Samosas (of course) & shared the Murgh Malai Kabab (chicken tandoori dish) & Ghosh Madras. The food was AMAZING. The lamb curry was so spicy my nose was running & the chicken and amazing flavor. It was also extremely juicy - not dry like some tandoori chicken I've had in the past.

I think Tabla in Foster City is still my favorite (the Bollywood movies make it), but for a neighborhood where the standard dress code is Frat Party Chic, I think Ashoka is quite acceptable.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What You Should Be Wearing Tuesday

I would like to take a brief pause in the name of school spirit. Anyone privileged enough to know what the phrase "'Til Gabriel blows his horn" means, or who's stood for 3 hours in 100+ degree heat on a Saturday in September screaming at the top of his/her lungs, or who has felt pride seeing a tower in the middle of Austin lit Orange should be sporting one of these bad boys tomorrow. After a wild and crazy game against Southern Mississippi last night, Texas will advance to the winner's bracket of the NCAA College World Series. They will meet ASU tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm CST. This is the first time that the Longhorns have had an appearance in the CWS since 2005, when they won the national title.

So, as we say in Austin, Hook 'em.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Lunch Break Find

Working in Soho makes it hard to just go out for lunch and get food and not browse (or at least window shop!) in all the great stores and boutiques. I was feeling the fashion bug big time today (maybe since it was Friday or the great sunny weather...who am I kidding, when do I not feel the fashion bug?!) when I decided to walk into a oldie but goodie...Forever 21. For those of you who think you can not shop at this store past the age of 21, think again. The store always has great and afforadable finds for all ages. While fabulous finds usually require some digging, I was pleasantly suprised to find all kinds of great summer options staring at me from the racks. There were cute dresses galore, fun shorts, trendy accessories, and some solid basics (tanks, camis, tee's, you name it). I ended up settling on this pretty pink ruffled top. It would be great with a skirt and jeans to wear on the weekends or even to work. It would also go amazingly well with the necklace Lko mentions below.

Brings a whole new meaning to being 21 forever, doesn't it?

Favorite Song Friday

This song always puts a bounce in my step.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

American Idol Shocker

I would recap this article about American Idol's Adam Labert, but I feel this excerpt says it all:

His decision to audition for "American Idol" came after a week at Burning Man -- an annual festival held in a Nevada desert -- where he experimented with "certain funguses."
"I had a psychedelic experience where I looked up at the clouds and went, 'Oh!' " he said. "I realized that we all have our own power, and that whatever I wanted to do, I had to make happen."
And what he wanted to do was be on "American Idol," he said.


Secret to Happiness

It’s the little things in life that make me happy – warm summer days, laughing so hard it hurts, sleeping in, and Chanel to name a few. So, it was my great delight to discover my newest bundle of happiness- BadGAL lash mascara by Benefit. Okay, so I have a thing er.. obsession for mascara and won’t leave home without it. I feel naked unless my lashes are evenly coated and yes, I do have about 6-8 tubes sitting on my bathroom counter at any given moment. Being the mascara maven that I am, I fell in love with BadGal at first use. The brush is perfect (not too clumpy, not too flimsy) and evenly coated each of my lashes without any clumps. I wear contacts, and the formula doesn’t bother my eyes and comes off easily with makeup remover. It’s perfect for day or night (just put on a few extra coats for that va-voom look). My favorite thing about it though is that every time I wear it, people ask me if I’m wearing false lashes. And for $19, it’s just another one of those little things in life that makes me happy…no, make that ecstatic.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Union Street Festival, Revisited

Saturday's Union Street Festival was a blast. Although, I have to say, it was a hell of alot like a frat party for 20- to 30-somethings. Think: Madras shorts, popped collars and yes...lots and lots of maxi dresses.

Besides the awesome hot link on a sourdough roll, my favorite discovery of the day was the discovery of JBalducci. Her delicate, unique designs are all handcrafted in her SF - which means alot of them are one of a kind. LOVED the California Quail necklace (plus 20% of the proceeds go to saving the endangered bird). Check out all of her collections here.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Festivus for the Rest of Us

While Manhattanites flee the heat of their beloved city for the chic parties & cool ocean breezes of the Hamptons, Summer to San Franciscans is officially festival season.  From Bay to Breakers (more of a moving party than a festival) to the Outside Lands Music festival, San Francisco summers are filled with community events that encompass food, music, art & who knows what else (it is San Francisco, afterall).  This weekend, I'll be heading out to the Union Street festival.  Along with gourmet food vendors & live music, some of San Francisco's best artists will be showcasing their work.  Below is a Cliff's Notes version of the Summer Festival Season.

Union Street Festival, June 6-7 - This year with an eco-urban theme.
SF GLBT Pride Parade, June 28 - Go for the cause, stay for the fun. BoA is headlining the mainstage
SF Waterfront Festival, July 4 - One of the best fireworks shows in the bay area - as long as the fog cooperates
Fillmore Jazz Festival, July 4-5 - The largest free Jazz Festival on the West Coast
San Francisco Frozen Film Festival, July 8-12 - Showcases independent film makers & musicians from around the globe
Nihonmachi Street Fair, August 8-9 - The 36th Annual festival celebration Asian/Pacific Americans
Ghirardelli Square Chocolate Festival, September 12-13 - Um...Cocolate. Festival.  Enough said.
Folsom Street Fair, September 27 - A fair dedicated to exhibitionism, bondage & festish.  Dust off the ass-less chaps and leave the kids at home.


The Maxi Dress: Do or Don't?

I'm going to a baby shower this weekend and have no idea what to wear. I want to wear a dress but I don't want anything that's too conservative and dull, and I don't want to to scream party girl sexy either. I want something fun with a touch of flirty and a whole lotta comfort. While browsing my favorite shopping sites, I couldn't help but notice how maxi dresses seem to be all the rage for the summer. While I must admit, the long flowly frocks look comfortable and very pretty on the models and celebs online, I wonder if they are as pretty in real life? Something tells me I'd look too dumpy or like I was wearing a nightgown if I wore one. And most importantly, what shoes would I wear? I feel like I'd trip all over the place if I wore heels with the long dress, and that's just downright tacky at a baby shower. Then again, it just seems like the perfect thing to thrown on in the summer without too much thought. I'm torn. Do I maxi?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Martha. I heart her.

Having lived with me for a year, SB can attest to my love of baking & crafts.  In other words, when I grow up I want to be Martha Stewart...only with better clothes and less jail time.  

So, while not specifically about CA or NY, I couldn't resist a post about Martha Stewart's new book, Cupcakes.   The book is a follow-up to her highly successful Cookies, and features 175 ideas for cupcake recipes, decorations & themes.  You can buy the book directly from Martha's website now.  Boston Cream Pie cupcakes?  Genius Martha, pure genius.

For those of you who prefer these delicous treats ready-to-eat, I can't reccommend Kara's Cupcakes enough.  There are 2 locations in SF (5 in the Bay Area).  Though, I'd avoid the Ghirardelli Square location unless you 1. are a tourist, or 2. really like tourists.  New Yorkers - since I cannot provide suggestions based on personal experience, Martha herself recommends Magnolia Bakery to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Happy cupcaking!

It's Better in the Hamptons

You know it's summer in the city when everyone from Billy Joel to Upper Eastsiders to your snotty next door neighbor talk about Mecca aka The Hamptons. While doing my Hamptons summer research (black or green bikini? How do you make a mojito? Where are the best places to spot celebs?) I came across a truly unique find. Allow me to introduce you to Day & Night Beach Club, a brunch of all brunches if you will. It's your usual brunch routine with plenty of champagne, delicious eggs benedict but with a little water and tanned skin thrown in. Think of it as an all day pool party for grown ups. Here's how to envision it: a peaceful, sandy expanse, a pool filled with floating beach balls, waiters in white polos pushing around carts of rosé, a smattering of cabanas, trays full of spicy bloody marys, oversized sunglasses, plenty of Ralph Lauren (the chinos and, perhaps, the man), champagne bottles (complete with obligatory sparklers), the buzz of inebriation begins to spread, and then finally eruption of dancing in the cabanas.

I know where I will be spending my summer. Now I know why they call it Mecca.

Day & Night Beach Club 281 County Road 39A Southampton, NY 11968


Breakfast of Champions

Every New Yorker knows you are what you eat. That's why you can get the best soy lattes, tofu, and non-fat-sugar-free special yogurts on every street corner in the city. But it seems that too often we forget about the great NY Bagel. Toasted and smoldering with delicious (and full of fat) cream cheese oozing from the sides, I decided to switch up my morning routine when my usual greek yogurt/honey combination wasn't cutting it. I went to Pinnacle Bagel (http://www.menupages.com/restaurants/pinnacle/) where for $2.75 you get a more satifsfying and delcious breakfast than any soy tofu stuff. Just make sure to pop a mint and do a quick teeth check (no poppy seeds!) before heading into work...and no one has to know your dirty little secret :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I can't pronounce it, but I highly recommend it.

I love finding the gems of SF.  Tonight was Waziema.  Unfortunately I did not get to partake of the food (highly rated Ethiopian cuisine), but I was impressed with Waziema, nonetheless.  An expansive bar and huge back room, complete with a pool table.  Waziema is located on Divisadero & Fell, about a block from Alamo Square.  The resto/bar has a great vibe.  And wallpaper that was more interesting than my date.

We left our hearts in Texas.

So, I know this isn't a blog about Texas, but since that's where SB and I met, I felt that a little Texas tribute was only appropriate.  Enjoy.