Monday, August 3, 2009

Peachy Keen

I have found a new love, and it comes in a bottle. Peaches & Boo Boo's "Save My Feet Blister Elixir" might just be the greatest invention of the decade (though the Wii is a close second).

Nothing is more heartbreaking than buying a completely cute new pair of shoes, and tear your feet to shreds trying to break them in, only to discover that they will not, in fact, stretch out over your fat feet.

Save My Feet to the rescue! Just rub a small amount (about a dime-sized amount per foot) where the shoe could potentially rub blisters, and you're good for up to 8 hours!

Because if there's anything more sad ugly blisters at the beach, it's a new pair of shoes sitting lonely and forlorn in your closet.

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